What To Do With A Box Of Vegetables: Paisley Farm CSA Box 7

This year’s CSA is from Paisley Farm, a 25-acre operation located in Tivoli, NY. Paisley Farm grows organically and plants with the chef in mind. The 22-week CSA runs from June – October and I purchased the standard vegetable share. This share includes 8-9 vegetables and herbs per week (8-12 pounds) – enough to provide a family of three with 3-4 dinners’ worth of veg. The price equals out to $25 per week, the cost of which will be calculated in my weekly Adventures In Budget Paleo Cooking posts.


Paisley Farm 2014 CSA Box 7

Pattypan Squash (lots)
Zucchinis (lots)
Spring Onions (lots)
Leeks (2)
Chioggia Beets (small bunch)
Red Leaf Lettuce (1 head)
Rainbow Swiss Chard (1 bunch)
Spring Garlic (1 bunch)


Leftover From Last Week

Carrots (non-CSA)
Spring onions – all of them. Every spring onion in 300 miles now resides in my fridge.
Garlic scapes – I think I’m up to 3 bunches?
Spring garlic


How I Used My Share

I’ve been eating pretty much nothing but zucchini, it feels like. Zucchini + carrots were used in a sausage crust quiche dish; I used zucchini in a soup; and I made a salsa verde out of still more zukes. I also made zucchini fritters, which were delightful.

I’ve eaten a bit of the lettuce in lunch salads, but mostly I’ve just been trying to get on top of the zucchini. I need to do better next week, or I’m going to drown in produce.

My Favorite Dish From This Box

The zucchini fritters were great, as was the quiche. The soup was actually a big hit, too. Score!

Going into next week, I have aging carrots, a fairly sad looking bunch of kale, at least half of the lettuce (that might go to waste), a ton of spring onions, a ton of garlic scapes, leeks, beets, chard and a cucumber leftover. I think I need a massive stir-fry to clean some of this up!