Half-Baked Chicken

Half a chicken. I had no idea this was a “thing” until I received one in my CSA share a couple of weeks ago. I saw it, had no idea what to do with it, and promptly shoved it to the back of the freezer until I ran out of meat – and it was between learning what to do with half a chicken and trying to phrase dinner excitingly enough that two tiny lamb kidneys sounded like a buffet.

I figured it was time to face the half chicken. If you, like me, have zero idea what to do with this bizarre bird configuration – you’re in the right place. Here, I have cobbled together instructions from a couple different sites into something that works well for a simple dinner.

Throw in a few chopped carrots (and those radishes that were hiding in the bottom of my crisper) and I had myself a full meal that was relatively hands-off. Perfect for the amount of effort I had to expend.

Gluten-free, paleo, Whole30


Half-Baked Chicken

Half a chicken
Fat of choice
Seasoning mix of choice
Kosher salt & black pepper
Root veggies – I used most of a bunch of carrots + a whole bunch of radishes

Preheat the oven to 400F.

Rinse the chicken and pat dry. Rub your fat of choice all over the chicken + on a large oven-proof skillet (big enough to hold the chicken + veggies). Season liberally with your favorite seasoning mix (I used a vaguely Asian mix I picked up in my butcher’s impulse spice section) and salt & pepper if necessary.

Place the chicken cut side/open cavity down. Bake 15 minutes, or until the skin starts to brown.

While the chicken is working, chop the veggies.

When the chicken is done, pull it, arrange the veggies around it, kick the heat down to 350, and put the chicken back in. Bake until the thigh registers 165 – 180 F, about 20 minutes per pound.

Let sit out of the pan 10 minutes to allow the juices to re-distribute. While the chicken is resting, make sure your veggies are cooked through and seasoned to your liking.

Serves 2 – 3 for dinner



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